When you first look at this kitchen, you would never guess that the clear blue glass backsplash and Travertine flooring were discovered on Craigslist. When San Diego designer Stephanie Norris chose to help her daughter redesign her kitchen, she understood that she’d want to adhere to a small budget. But she still wanted to totally change the look of the present kitchen, so she got inventive.
Craigslist, Overstock.com, and leftover stuff from her own home all supplied a surprising quantity of stuff at a fraction of their regular price. Together with the money she’s saved, Norris managed to focus on developing a slick kitchen that works effortlessly and has a more contemporary look.
Cre8tive Interior Designs
The backsplash is Walker Zanger, which Norris discovered for a great deal on Craigslist. The Travertine flooring also was discovered on Craigslist. The 18′ x 18′ inset over the sink is created completely of leftover tile out of Norris’s own kitchen.
The barstools were originally a black pleather that didn’t fit the look of the kitchen, so Norris custom made these blue-and-white patterned slipcovers from outside material from Calico Corners.
Backsplash: Walker Zanger Glass tile
Flooring: 18′ x 18′ Emser Travertine tile
Barstools: HomeGoods, custom cover
Cre8tive Interior Designs
Since the kitchen had a good deal of wasted space and hardly any storage, Norris chose to gut what and generate a new and more usable design.
She purchased the cabinetry from IKEA and her daughter’s husband set them together. “It was a lot of cupboards,” says Norris. “It was quite time consuming, and difficult to figure out initially. However, the options for the setup of storage made everything worthwhile in the long run.”
Cabinetry and Hardware: LIDINGĂ–, IKEA
Sink and Fixtures: Overstock.com
Pendants: Shades of Light
Cre8tive Interior Designs
All of the base cabinets in the kitchen possess deep pull-out drawers, which provide wonderful storage and make it much easier to find anything that’s been shoved into the trunk.
Cre8tive Interior Designs
Norris also decided to purchase prefabricated granite instead of visiting a rock yard, which saved a lot of cash. Buying it prefab supposed that Norris didn’t need to purchase all of the border detail options — giving her the exact same style for less.
Countertop: Black Galaxy Granite
All appliances: Frigidaire
Cre8tive Interior Designs
The pocket door just past the oven shows a little laundry area, which Norris filled with a glowing reddish washer and dryer set. When the doors are open, the bold red contrasts with the cool blue walls, making a remarkably lively element.
The tiny wine refrigerator, just visible to the left of this pocket door, was sitting in Norris’s very own residence. She managed to clear a little clutter in her residence, and add something fun for her kid’s kitchen at precisely the exact same time.
Wall color: Aqua Sphere, Sherwin Williams
Washer and Dryer: Epic, Maytag
Next: 23 Inspiring Real-Life Kitchens
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