Container growing requires special consideration for its long vines, although a summer treat, honeydew melons provide. If you provide the necessary help to train the vines honeydews can develop in containers on porches or balconies. Well-anchored trellises, such as those attached to fence or a wall, support the burden of their melons. Plant your honeydew seeds straight in the permanent marijuana reaches 65 degrees.
Put a 10-gallon planter at a place that receives six to eight hours of sunlight. Use containers. Put the pot beside a trellis that was firmly anchored.
Fill the container. Mix 1/3 cup of 5-10-5 fertilizer with the soil in the pot. Use a soil that contains compost, peat, and vermiculite or perlite. These soils do not streamlined in a container such as a soil mix that is straight. Peat-based mixtures also maintain the moisture required for developing melons, or water-holding polymer crystals can be added by you into the mix.
Sow three honeydew seeds close to the middle of the kettle. Plant them about 1 inch deep. Select a vine that is brief honeydew variety, if available.
Water the soil in the pot once the top inch begins to feel dry. Based on temperature and sunlight, potted melons can require daily irrigation.
Thin the seedlings so the strongest stays after they germinate and reach a height of 3 inches.
Once it grows to a sufficient length tie the honeydew vine to the trellis. Use a cloth plant tie loosely around the vine as it grows so that it does not constrict the vine. Because the plant grows continue to tie up the vine the trellis.
Create a sling when the honeydew fruit begins to form, or pantyhose. Tie the sling into the trellis straight. Rest the melon in the sling, which provides support to the honeydew.
Harvest the honeydew melon once the melon reaches its ripe color, which is usually white or light green depending on the variety. Ripe melons feel somewhat soft and a few varieties may slip from the vine by themselves once mature. Some honeydew kinds develop a odor close to the stem end when mature.