The round blossom clusters of mophead hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) are a familiar sight in gardens and backyards at U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9. Virtually maintenance-free when planted appropriately, hydrangea bushes offer you a summer of decorative white, pink or blue blossoms without much work. These blooms are equally appealing in cut-flower bouquets and dried flower arrangements. Arranging hydrangeas outdoors or inside entails little more than supplying the showy blossoms with the room they need.
Arrange hydrangea plants from your garden after taking into consideration the species and cultivar requirements. Most hydrangeas prefer sun or partial sun during the daytime but need shade from the heat of the evening. Finding your plants in which the shade of the house or trees will safeguard your hydrangeas starting in early afternoon. Pick a hydrangea arrangement that gives each plant ample elbowroom to reach mature size. This will both enable maximum flowering and prevent you from spending money or time cutting them back each season.
Arranging hydrangeas in a vase starts with cutting the stems properly. Act very first thing in the morning when the flowers are filled with moisture. Have on hand wash, sharp garden clippers along with a bucket of tepid water. Cut off each flower stem to the length required for your vase, plunge the stem to the bucket. Before placing the stems in a vase, remove all reduced leaves and cut another 1/2-inch from each stem while holding it underwater. Instead, crush each stem to allow the plant to consume more water. Do not include so many blossoms they squeeze together; the natural shape of the hydrangea blossom is appealing.
Dry your hydrangeas and arrange them in an immortal bouquet. Harvest flowers that are not fully opened, cutting them late in the day. Use sharp bows to cut them away; never break or twist the stalks. Clip off lower leaves and attach the cut stems together loosely with a rubber band. Tie a bright ribbon over the rubber band and hang the curtain from the beams, door or chimney at your property.