Foreclosure is the legal procedure lenders use when a borrower doesn’t make the mortgage obligations. The residence is sold at public auction, and when there are no winning bidders, the creditor typically becomes the new owner. Lender-owned properties occasionally sit empty for months and aren’t always properly maintained. An home consequences when the owner expires or leaves without taking care of the house or selling. Abandoned and foreclosed homes pose health and safety risks to the region and commonly attract crime; empty possessions are often used for illegal drug sales.
Take photos of the home, if at all possible. Obtain shots of any things that are dangerous in need of repair, such as a roof. Photos serve as evidence of the home’s condition and help give your reports priority with government.
Report the home and code violation sections to village, your city or city government. Give the street address and all information you have concerning the home’s state provide copies of your photos.
If there’s vandalism, file a report with the police. The authorities are obliged to inspect the home when you report signs of vandalism, like a broken window or graffiti, and will inform the local housing authorities.
Contact the county sheriff or marshal’s office. Give details about the home to assist the authorities in determining the condition of the dwelling.
Contact the local health area. List any concerns that you have about this property on your health and the health of the surrounding neighbors’ effect. Issues like a swimming pool standing water can pose significant health risks.
Whenever at all possible, inform your neighborhood watch group. A neighborhood watch group is a group of area residents who volunteer to care for the neighborhood and other residents to help deter crime. Neighborhood watch groups have contact. Give the group all the details that you have about the home.
Contact the creditor if the residence is bank-owned. Ask for the foreclosure or estate department. List all the issues with the home, such as windows, and also inform the lender you have already contacted the regional authorities.