If you have got a great deal of pictures, it’s a challenge to find wall space for all your favorites. Instead of framing every single one, hang your pictures on a sequence. A clothesline-style hanger costs less than a picture frame and takes just minutes to set up. It’s good for photographs, drawings and other lightweight images. If you’re having a birthday celebration or wedding shower, then string pictures from helium-filled balloons. Colorful picture balloons create creative decorations or keepsakes for party guests.
Photos on a Clothesline
Make a small pencil mark on the wall where you’d like to hang your pictures. Make another mark a few feet off in the same height as the first mark. The spacing depends on the number of pictures you want to hang.
Press a massive pushpin into the wall over each pencil mark. Push the pins in as far as possible so they’re secure in the wall.
Assess the distance between the pushpins with a measuring tape. Write this number down.
Cut a piece of twine to fit between the two pushpins. Make the piece a few inches more than the width you only took.
Tie one end of the twine to your pushpin. Pull the twine taut, then tie the other end to this second pushpin. Cut off any extra twine with scissors.
Use clothespins or plastic clips to hang pictures from the twine. Space each image 1 to 2 inches apart.
Photo Balloons
Cut card stock into rectangles slightly bigger than your photographs. As an example, if you want to hang 4-by-6 photographs, utilize 5-by-7 card inventory.
Punch a hole on peak of every piece of card stock. Make the hole about the small side of this rectangle for vertical photographs. Put the hole on the bigger side if you’re hanging flat photos.
Stick one photo to every card-stock rectangle with a few pieces of masking tape. Place the tape on the back of the photographs so that it’s not visible from the front.
Cut one piece of ribbon or string for every portion of card stock. The length of the ribbon depends upon the height of your ceiling and also just how low you want the photographs to hang.
Tie the ends of the ribbons to the holes you punched in the card inventory. Make a secure knot so the decoration will not come loose.
Wrap the other end of a ribbon around your index finger, then tie it in a loose knot. Slide the ribbon off your finger, then slip the knot over the conclusion of a helium-filled balloon. Pull it tight to fasten it. Repeat with the remaining balloons.
Employ a 1-inch strip of double-sided tape into the peak of the balloons. Stick the balloons to the ceiling at any pattern you would like. The tape keeps the balloons from dropping down or floating off.