“Brandywine,” an heirloom tomato number, is thought to have been released in the 1886 Burpee plant catalogue. The plant experienced newfound recognition in 1982, when it had been brought to the Seed Savers Exchange by a gardener who claimed it had been given to him by a woman who had kept the seed strain alive within her family for over 80 decadesago It is renowned for characteristics like superior flavor, big size, and pink colour.
“Brandywine” is notable for its massive fruits, which might weigh around 1 1/2 pounds when fully ripe. The fruits are meaty, with firm, rich pink skin. The fruit is very juicy, with some proclaiming it the best tasting of all tomato varieties. Unlike many around red tomato types, one “Brandywine” slice can cover a hamburger bun. The plant has a vining, sprawling growth habit, and dull green, broad leaves that have a coarse texture.
“Brandywine’s” big fruits require a very long time to grow and mature on the vine. The tomatoes might not be ready for harvest until 90 to 100 days after planting, which is about a month later than the ordinary tomato cultivar. As with other heirloom tomato varieties, “Brandywine” is much less prolific than many tomato cultivars. According to Dr. Craig Andersen of the University of Arkansas, of the 40 tomato varieties he climbed, the “Brandywine” tomato produced the fewest fruits.
In addition to little harvests, other issues are related to “Brandywine” tomatoes. After the plant is watered improperly, or even when rain falls at an inopportune time during the ripening process, fruits might develop sunken patches — a disorder known as “catface” — epidermis might break, and fruits may be tinged with green or otherwise ripen unevenly. The plant might also not pollinate nicely. Victory Seeds recommends flicking the big yellow blooms with your hands to increase pollination.
Similar Plants
Other heirloom tomato varieties can be found with pink, juicy fruitsand vegetables. “Caspian Pink” is a sprawling Russian cultivar that hails from the region between the Caspian and Black seas. According to the University of Nebraska, the fruit has destroyed “Brandywine” in flavor contests multiple times. The plant produces fruits earlier than “Brandywine,” ripening at about 80 days after planting. “Cherokee Purple” boasts pinkish-purple heirloom tomatoes that are not as likely to break.